Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Weekend in Bohol

We spent a nice long weekend on an island called Bohol. It's pretty close to Cebu where we have been for the past several months....about a 2 hour ferry ride. We had a few friends from Palau who are now travelling the Philippines come and meet us. We had SO much fun! We had great dinners, interesting drinks, we saw some very flamboyant divas and large pythons, did some ziplining, hiking waterfalls, witnessed the marvelous chocolate hills of Bohol, took some 4-wheelers through the muddy valley between chocolate hills, zorbed and saw the famous little bitty Tarsier monkeys found here in Bohol. 

 Our good friend Dan the man put us up in a nice resort for the first couple of nights with a nice pool view! Nicest place we have slept in a while :)
 This statue represents a bond made by blood! These guys cut their arm and poured the blood in the glasses and drank it...ewww.
 One of the pythons from the snake park
 This is Prony the largest python to ever exist on the island and when she passed they stuffed her and put her on display.
 ....and this is her daughter...
 Oh yeah we also took a floating pontoon buffet down the Loboc River for lunch one day
 The boat pulled over so the locals could perform a dance for us.
 I cant tell you how long Tyrone has been looking for a hat that covers his shoulders!!!
 A little waterfall that we hiked down to and had a nice refreshing swim
 The deadly Weng-Weng!!! 6 different liquors puts the Long Island Ice Tea to shame...
 Our tour guide diva at the Python park..."she" put on quite a performance!
 Tyrone getting fresh with Prony's babies :)
 I only worked up the courage on the second day to hold this lovely girl.
 Safety first when 4-wheeling!
 This is zorbing for those who were wondering. Tyrone and I were strapped into the giant ball and rolled down a hill..too much fun.
 Then we all played zorb soccer...laughed too much to actually score myself but the girls won
 The gang after a Weng-Weng or 2...:)
 Climbed 2 hundred something stairs to the top to view the chocolate hills...its rainy season so they are just hills right now lol lush and green instead of chocolate...
Image result for chocolate hills
Image I found online of what they normally look like
 The tiny tarsier monkeys were so small I could not get a good photo but they have these massive eyes that are way too big for their bodies it's hilarious...and they are about as big as they palm of your hand.
Image result for tarsier monkeys
Here is an image I found online...
 After eating one of the best resort buffets everrrrrr....happy faces...
Finally got my squid tattoo!!!! HA JK its just henna....comes off in about 2 weeks but I love it. :)

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Killin time

The woodwork is complete now. The varnishing and everything is finished! Now we just have painters working on the boat and they are almost done with the aft cabins. We are anxious to move back on the boat and get this show on the road again! In the meantime we head to other islands close by that are cheap and have nice beaches. :)
One of our local spots we like to eat every now and then. We chill in these little huts. 
Car seat? We don't need no stinking car seat!
New nav desk

We had our African Star logo etched into our dining table. Turned out so nice!

New shelving in cabins
Varnish looks great!
Back when we helped our friend sail his boat to Romblon
The beach in the Comotes where we spent last weekend. This place was great! We stayed in a little backpacker kind of place right on the beach. We stayed up late with the guys who live there, played the guitar and sang and played the bongos on the beach all night. It was pretty awesome. :)