Thursday, May 30, 2013

PayPal II

PayPal was sending an error message to some of you so we went online and fixed everything. It Should be up and running now and all sorted out. There were some verification issues being that we are in south africa at the moment. Please let us know of its still sending error messages though. We are only online for a few more days since we leave for Nice middle of next week!!! We get our boat tomorrow!! Our skipper is pickin us up at 11:30 tomorrow morning to go pick it up and bring it back to the marina to prep it over the weekend. Gonna be a busy weekend yay!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Pay pal

Oh so I know we have added this crazy little Paypal button to our page. DONT LAUGH!!! We actually had some requests for it recently since some friends wanted to buy us dinner and a beer. It's an easy way for anyone who wishes to, to contribute to the Pirate fund. Ah hem also my 30TH BDAY is coming up *cough cough* so if anyone wants to buy me a drink when we get to the Azores...;)  for those of you who have treated us to dinner THANK U!! U know who u are;) and family who have contributed THANKS TO U TOO!! U also know who u are;) we love you all and miss you and the gesture was MOST greatly appreciated. Thank y'all! ;) 

Visa day!

So we have been waiting for home affairs to send us a text with the updated status of our extension application. We got the text last week that said check with us in 5 business days. We go to check online on the 6th day only to find out that the status is waiting for us at the home affairs office lol....yay so another trip up to home affairs. We get there and at first sight we see a line wrapped around the building! Crap. But we go on in and go upstairs. We know the drill. Waiting in line for maybe an hour which was really disorganized but anyway finally we get up to the counter and voila! Here is your sticker you are good till July 18th! That's all we need since we are outta here by next weekend;) yay! We started this visa venture first of April and now we are finally sorted. What a mess but at least we are all good now!!!;) 

Monday, May 27, 2013


Seen a few movies lately since we are still in Cape Town. Our boat should be ready to leave by middle of next week. The weather Should be much better for us next week anyway. Watched Fast and Furious 6 today and omg it was SO good!! Little cheesy with the lines but the action was good and the added last scene was a nice surprise. Can't wait for 7 to come out now! Lol. Watched dead man down which was pretty decent. Good movie if you're bored. Also saw Olympus had fallen which was really good if u like to see Gerard butler kick some A... This is 40 was funny but a little much at some points with all the whining and screaming...21 and up would be a good one to watch at home when you're bored...hangover 3 comes out just in time for us to watch before we leave!!!! Going to see it Friday maybe. 

At the moment Ty n I are trying to decide if we should just buy the domain name It's only $10 a year and is easier for people to look up rather than the whole blog spot thing....more options come with it too but I dunno what do y'all think??

So this new job sounds fun! The whole trip will be very laid back no rushing and just going wherever we want! Going to Tahiti then to bora bora and gonna cruise northern Australia. Then on to southeast china and to the west toward India and up to the Mediterranean. Hittin up all islands along the way and scuba diving and exploring. From the med we come back down the west coast of Africa around the bottom and back up the east coast to Durban eventually. 

Watching sailing videos on YouTube. A quiet night in after our movie;) 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Bora Bora

Our delivery boat has been delayed by about a week. We should be getting it next Friday tho! Then we spend a few days prepping the boat like wrapping countertops n stuff to protect it from the elements. We should be outta here by the 3rd or 4th!!! Can't wait so excited to be out on the ocean again and to get into warmer weather for sure!!! We haven't been sailing all that much because of the heavy mist here. This is what it looks like when we actually do go out for a sail tho lol...
Exciting stuff huh!? Lol you get this creepy feeling pirates are about to emerge from the mist all around you! Still fun tho;) Ty has been taking us off the dock and sailing almost the whole time. Still learning how to dock tho. 

Well we have some awesome news!!! We got a job as captain on a private catamaran !! It's a 37ft cat built in 2001. Inside was remodeled in 2010. We met the owner last night and he wants us to sail around the most exotic places in the world with him! He wants us to fly straight to the boat from Nice when we get there. The boat is dry docked outta the water right now in Raiatea French Polynesia. Once we get there we take a look at the boat and inspect it, have it put in the water and fix anything that needs fixing. Then when the boat is ready he will fly out and meet us and on to Bora Bora for the first stop!! We stay on the boat and take it wherever he wants to vacation next and he flies out to meet us for a week at a time. If you don't know Bora Bora you must google it. It's gorgeous. It was where they filmed Couples Retreat!!! 
To start with we will be working for him for 6 months at least. After 6 months we decide if we want to stay and continue sailing or if we want to quit and do something else. Can't imagine why we wouldn't continue but who knows what the future holds;) we definitely did not foresee being able to do something like this so early in our career but omg this is goin to be awesome!!!! He is very active too. He likes spear fishing, diving, hiking, fishing, sailing of course....biking n running....this is gonna be quite an adventure!;) plus we will be getting paid so we can save a little money and we have allowance for boat upkeep n maintenance and food n stuff...

Saturday, May 18, 2013


So our skipper should be here today or tomorrow! Excited about meeting him and we just found out that we know the first mate he hired! Rob worked at sail due south and we have known him since we got here! This is going to be such a fun trip and even better that we know someone on board. Our boat launch got pushed back to Thursday tho so now we wait some more...;)

Here a some pics I took the other day on one of our sunset sails. We had a heavy fog all day but it cleared up a little just before sunset. You can see the fog and the clouds coming up over the mountain. Looks pretty cool...

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Ty and I have been working on the Howard Davis yacht doing day sails and champagne sunset sails for a couple weeks now. We are getting great experience as its a bigger boat. It's 66 ft and she sails steady and beautifully! We are also stayin there free of charge thanks to our friends;) can't tell you how much we appreciate everything that we've been offered. ;)

We just got a delivery too!!!!! We are crewing on a 48ft leopard catamaran that is going to the med! We leave at the end of the month and deliver it to Nice France! The trip should take just under 2 months so ill turn 30 out at sea!!;) this trip  is so good for us because it counts as a few deliveries in one! Meaning when we get back we will be able to be first mate on the next delivery! The wind and waters  are going to be challenging so the experience we get should put us at first mate status. After a couple of those we can be captain and first mate and we will be the ones taking on a crew member;) and we have been told we are learning from the best skipper they have! We are super stoked to see it all come together now. We have worked so hard to get here and it's finally happening so yeah it's a great feeling! We should be getting the boat on the 20th so ill post pics when it gets here. 
Ty at the helm on the Howard Davis
The Howard Davis
First country music I've heard since we left!!!!
Sunset and dolphins!!