Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Good times were had by all....

Yesterday was a sad sad day for us....we said goodbye to Pops in the morning and goodbye to Gizmo once more in the afternoon. But enough of the sad stuff we had the best time of our lives this past week and a half!!!! Pops got in on the 4th and we picked him up straight from the airport and took him to our favorite yacht club...and let the good times roll!!!! :)

Introduced him to my main gal Isetta...she also had friends and her sister coming in this did we have fun with that crazy bunch!!!

We met up with Irish James for happy hour drinks at the Waterfront Bar and Grill aka the yacht club!

Pops and I made a run to the boat to drop off some stuff...i just wanted to show off my awesome dinghy skills :)

One thing we love about our travelling is the genuine people we meet...
Just before pops got here James introduced us to the sweetest Irish girls that were working at the hospital here in Vanuatu. These girls are amazing and we loved having them even for a short time. We sang we danced to irish music we swam in the brightest phosphorescence off the back of the boat....these girls are doing great things they raised so much money for the children at the hospital here and it was an absolute pleasure to have met and hung out with them before they moved on...

Ty and I seem to be in the habit of adopting an Irishman everywhere we love this guy!!! We met James through the dive shop where Isetta has gotten her divemasters...he just completed his deep dive certificate....
We went to a fire show on the beach which was amazing! the coolest fire show ive seen yet! They started with fireworks and ended with this huge spiral of flames and it was awesome! They have a playlist of fun music that they perform with and we had dinner just here up in front of the show.

This is a little place called Reggae Bar that we hit up after the fire show. You can call the owner and tell him you are coming and he walks down from the village and opens the bar for you. We had a couple drinks there, met some more people, then piled 19 people into a taxi van and went back into town where we danced the night away....:) good times... 

This is the restaurant and bar located at the cascade water falls in Mele Village.

Swan dive! btw that ty not me in the corner haha

Fresh water fish swimming all around in the pool at the bottom of the falls

massive bamboo tree where everyone carves their names

Me n James conquering the hike to the falls

Its so beautiful! $10 to the first person to find Ty lol....

Mind blown...

The volcanic rock is not slippery like you might think...they actually have a really good grip so the hike was slipping...

We missed you Joel!! haha sucker!!

One of the little trails leads to a lookout..that little island in the back by my arm is hideaway island where we snorkeled the reef and checked out the only underwater post office in the world.

Part of Mele Village in the background and our friend Marie the frenchie that Gizmo picked up as crew...shes awesome!

Another hard day at work for Paul at the top of the mast...stop working so hard and come play with us!!!

L'Houstelet is a famous french restaurant that has been here for 40 years or so...they have flying fox on the menu! no we did not try it but i did try escargot for the first time and it was sooooo goooood!!!! thanks for making me try your snails pops!

This crazy bunch!!! Hanging out at hideaway..snorkeling..drinks...lunch...great days...

all the pirates...

We finally slipped our lines and made way for Havannah....

Got to see a tall ship on the way out!!!

The crew hard at work putting out the genoa

pops the sailor on the high seas...

Our newest skipper! Captain Jeffe

we got a bite!!! all 3 of us reeled it in cuz he was so big...

yellowfin tuna!!!! we have never caught one this big or this kind of tuna for that matter! Pops' taste buds are ruined for life after having the freshest tuna possible...sorry Uni Sushi I win...

pops the hunter and gatherer...

pulled up to the Wahoo bar where we shared our was way too much for us so they cut it up for us and we let the staff have half..


last day :( picnic on the beach! cheese..crackers...and tuskers! perfect day

cheesin with our boat in the background on Survivor Beach

last sunset of the trip...moored at the Havannah restaurant

The Havannah restaurant...our waitress kathy hooked it up and set up a private table in the grass just for us!

Final sunset photos

if you like pina coladas...lalalala

dessert...jameson with 5 drops of water....for the beloved irishman...

I wouldn't change a thing about the past 2 was such a whirlwind and such a great time even though it was over way too quickly. Between the welcome party for Pops and irish dancing...a minor accident (dont worry nobody was hurt...except the back end of our rental car)...swinging from rope swings at the Blue Lagoon...hiking gorgeous waterfalls...countless happy hours with friends at the dancing...underwater post office...Yellowfin tuna!!....quiet chats sipping on jameson until 4am....dammit im tearing up again!!!!....swimming at night in the phosphorescence....swimming during the day in the clearest water imaginable... the WWII museum with an interesting collection of coke bottles lol....and watching the Hangover in the cockpit to top it all off....a good time was had by all.

1 comment:

  1. Jusat re-read this. Man that 2 weeks was incredible and life changing!! Thanks you tow for being the best hosts EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
