Monday, November 4, 2013


So we are in Fiji now. Made it here yesterday. We pulled into the pass with hearts racing as we passed 6-7 really there like 6 boats half sunk on the reefs on either side of the pass as you enter Suva. Nerves. Shot. But we made it and we anchored and waited for officials to come on board and clear us. Today we went all over town taking the payments to all the officials and did a little bit of shopping too. Half the Fiji population is actually Indian so they have a ton of Indian shops here along with a couple of malls. Ty finally found some shorts that fit him and I finally replaced my beloved haviannas. I'm still in the market for some new shades tho. Some really nice ones. But they all seem really expensive so I keep holding out. I'm liking ray bans polarized glasses but they are around $250 US!!! That's just craziness!! 

It rains here every day in soggy Suva so I'm ready to get to the west coast and go to Nadi already! We leave tomorrow night and do an overnight passage so we get there Thursday morning. Sposed to be dry and pretty on that side. Here it's rainy because of the mountain so it's the same effect as American Samoa...except it smells way better...
Armed guard at the presidents house
Couple of sunken ships

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