Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Pay pal

Oh so I know we have added this crazy little Paypal button to our page. DONT LAUGH!!! We actually had some requests for it recently since some friends wanted to buy us dinner and a beer. It's an easy way for anyone who wishes to, to contribute to the Pirate fund. Ah hem also my 30TH BDAY is coming up *cough cough* so if anyone wants to buy me a drink when we get to the Azores...;)  for those of you who have treated us to dinner THANK U!! U know who u are;) and family who have contributed THANKS TO U TOO!! U also know who u are;) we love you all and miss you and the gesture was MOST greatly appreciated. Thank y'all! ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Yo the paypal button is not working. I get a error on my end. fyi
