Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Visa day!

So we have been waiting for home affairs to send us a text with the updated status of our extension application. We got the text last week that said check with us in 5 business days. We go to check online on the 6th day only to find out that the status is waiting for us at the home affairs office lol....yay so another trip up to home affairs. We get there and at first sight we see a line wrapped around the building! Crap. But we go on in and go upstairs. We know the drill. Waiting in line for maybe an hour which was really disorganized but anyway finally we get up to the counter and voila! Here is your sticker you are good till July 18th! That's all we need since we are outta here by next weekend;) yay! We started this visa venture first of April and now we are finally sorted. What a mess but at least we are all good now!!!;) 

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