Thursday, October 10, 2013

Chillin in Am Sam

So we have been doing a lot of shopping and some little odd jobs around the boat as we wait for our big order to come in. We also got the sail parts in the mail so they are on the way also. We could probably do a lot more but it's so flipping hot here that you can't breathe on the boat sometimes so we go to shore a lot....ya know so we don't die of heat stroke or something....we don't really cook on the boat either because of the heat. We found a couple of good places with amazing air conditioning to eat at...if only it had wifi...but then we would never leave til after the sun went down. So we have McDonald's, a Carls Jr, a Filipino joint and the Matai restaurant to choose from. Oh and this place called Sadie's by the sea but I think it's overpriced as far as food goes....
Here is the Sadie's place we went to last Sunday after the game. Listened to live music and shared a few beers w the boys. 
Public transportation rocks here! You take these custom made busses all over the island and u can go anywhere for $1 no matter how far you are going. As you an see these busses are all decorated to the owners liking. Some have flat screens and play movies inside....watched Rush Hour the other day!....but they ALL have sound systems and are blaring music the whole time. They save their music on a flash drive an plug it in and we are Rollin gangsta style up n down this island! Yesterday our driver had boas hung up all over the front...big feather boas in all colors lol...
Here are some of the shops we walked to yesterday. Cool to have that greenery in the background. 
There's another bus. They are trucks that are custom made into busses. From what I here there is a place on the island that will make them. 
Here's the museum. I think we will visit this place next week. 
Fire station. 
Port of Pago Pago where we checked into the country. 
This bus route takes us to another town where we get bluesky for phone and Internet and hardware stores like Ace and the costuless. It's about a 20 min ride. 
I need a better camera on my phone...I may just have to take over the new iPhone 5 Ty got since the camera is sposed to be way better. But this is a little island in itself...big rock w palm trees growing on top. 
I love how our photo bomber is cheesin like she knows she is in the pic lol. Tellin ya they are a happy people here always smilin!
Enjoying the view, the ride and especially the airflow from the open windows 
Lots of churches here and EVERYONE goes on Sundays
We get showers quite often but they never last that long. 

Stayed in and watched a movie last night. We were both pretty beat. A friend asked us to help him dive for a mooring block. So we took him out to where it was supposed to be and watched out while he dive. The sun was brutal yesterday and all I could think was dang I forgot the sunblock. So after being out for a while in the sun we were hot and drained and just wanted to lie around and watch a movie after dinner. We ate at this sushi place called sooks. Not impressed and overpriced. Back to the Matai....

There are all the little Chinese shops all over the place so we are finding random stuff that's good for the boat lately! Like plastic wine glasses and other randoms...

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