Sunday, December 22, 2013

Wear n tear

We knew coming to New Zealand was going to put a bit of strain on the boat but it seems like it's never ending and I'm feeling kinda defeated at the moment. 

The sail drives both need repairing. 
White smoke was coming out of the port engine at one point. 
Our wind generator got caught In the 3rd reefing line and broke 2 of the blades. Doesn't work now. 
Our main sheet traveler which controls the boom on the main sail is all sorts of rigged up since its been broken from the start. We chafed thru a few lines trying to keep it in place already. 
Today the genoa shredded to pieces!!!! We were only tacking in 17 knots of wind and it ripped so we tried to furl it away quickly but it ripped from top to bottom before we could save it. 
We have a leak in the starboard hull and have no clue where it's coming from but thank God the bilge pump is working. 
We bought a new winch handle but just realized it was broken after we left Opua. The new $600 main halyard works so much better but seems to be slipping a bit in the jammer even tho it's the right size....?
Our staysail halyard is lost in the mast somewhere cuz somebody forgot to put a stopper knot on the end of it. (I think it was one of the rigger inspectors) which by the way say we need a new forstay because its rusting through. 

We are just 4 hours away from Tauranga and will be docked there until Greg gets here. Heads are hurting. Eyes are burning. Sleep deprived and still wouldn't go back to our old desk jobs! :) 

And we are currently under attack by some creepy offshore gnats or something. Seriously just killed like 25 of them in the cockpit!

1 comment:

  1. Good morning kiddos. Santa did a little fly by on your Paypal account this moring. Merry Christmas guys. We love and miss you very much. Jess, go get some jeans and some comfy sweaters!!
