Thursday, April 17, 2014


So there was a cyclone that left the Solomon's last week that hit us yesterday. Glad that's over with! That was the windiest storm we have ever been in. We turned on the sailing instruments to see the top speed of the wind and it gusted up to 62knots!!!!! That's like 71 miles per hour or....114 kilometers per hour!!!! No worries though we were secured to the dock here in Tauranga still. It was pretty hectic tho and loud. I was surprised to see that the boats that are anchored right outside the marina didn't budge at all. Sometimes you get a dragger....  So,..lots an lots of rain rain rain....the rain is a real drag. We are still trying to dry out the top of the water tanks to finish dealing them but can't cuz everything is all damp n stuff...we have been trapped in this boat for too long because of this weather!!! We  have been finishing boat projects and watching movies and cookin up a storm. Made some baby quiche w spinach and mushrooms today with a side of hash browns...yum...and bacon for Ty...
Made eggs in a basket the other day. It's eggs inside a hash brown cup and on Ty's I added maple covered bacon
These are awesome w the yolk all runny. 
Also made some really good veggie curry the other night! Came out so good. Got the recipe from this good network app that I downloaded. 
Looks messy but it was good;) chickpeas n random veggies I needed to use before they went bad. 

We are waiting for the carpet to come in an then get binded for the cockpit area. It should be here Tuesday and the binding should be done by Wednesday and we will be leaving Thursday or Friday to go check out in Opua. We are getting all our supplies from Steve's Marine just on the other side of the bridge. Steve is awesome!! He's there every day and works with us to get us the best prices on everything we have needed. If we find a better price he will beat it every time. Highly recommend going to him if you are in the area;) he also lets us borrow his car anytime we need it. Which is awesome. Helped us out sooooo much with running around everywhere provisioning and all...

So there's a yacht race today from Auckland to Tauranga. Been watching some boats trickle in here n there. They look cold and...wet... Sposed to be a big party tonight at the yacht club;) ok time to get back to cleaning. A yachties work is never done.

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