Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Work work work

We have been buuuusy! We replaced the kill switch for the starboard engine. Replaced the steering cable which was seriously frayed!
See it barely hangin on!? The first cable we bought was just a foot too short so we had another one cut. When we tried to put that one on we realized it wasn't cut smoothly so it wouldn't feed through the hole so we had to take it back again and have him cut it again...finally success!! We can control our rudder again....We replace the buzzers in both key panels for the engines. The speaker now puts out this loud annoying buzz to let you know you left the key on....which Ty does quite often lol...;)
I just scraped of all the old glue from two of the engine covers to put new glue on so the insulation stays attached. That job sucked!!!:(
I took down the old outdated and moldy picture frames that were in 3 of the bunks and replaced them with photos we have taken of sunsets and the boat in Suwarrow. Bossman will wake up to this photo he took in Maupiti now! :)
We fixed the leaks in both water tanks and also bleached out both tanks really well to sanitize them. We replaced the floor mats at the entrance inside and outside and in both bathrooms so it looks much nicer! :) 
Don't mind the shoes...we've been walking a LOT lately trying to get around town...

Ty installed 2 accumulator tanks in the heads that fill with fresh water so when you turn on the tap you don't use the water pump every time. They also put out a steady stream of water which we have never had before. It makes such a huge difference and saves water and the life of the water pump. 
We got out steel work done 
New support keeps the Bimini from moving. We got 4 of these new bars welded on. 

and the main sheet traveller fixed with a proper line so we will see how that works when we sail to Opua to check out of the country. 
New green line moves it side to side. The new red line keeps it tightly down. 

Yep! It's almost time to move on!! We will check out as soon as we can and head to New Caledonia! Probably in the next 2 weeks or less hopefully. What should be the last cyclone of the season had already passed Vanuatu and new cal so hoping to leave here in a week but emotionally prepared to stay for 2 more...made a fresh batch of LaRues Brews today too! Got another lager brewin. Did NOT like the bock...blah! That's my opinion tho...we had our spinnaker inspected and all looks good and ready to fly! We just need to get to Opua to have them put on the bracket on top of the mast so we can fly it... We ordered a mat to go on the floor outside in the cockpit area. It will be much nicer than looking at the dirty footprints that NEVER go away...we are also having some outdoor shade covers restitched where they have become frayed. Also picked up another solar panel! We should be able to get more power from the sun now. We have always been one short as one blew off in a storm or something a long time ago so we got one to replace it. We also got another water pump to make an outdoor saltwater wash down so we can easily wash the boat and spray off the anchor chain as we pull it up and all that. 

Ty...In a moment of sheer genius...accomplished a huge masterpiece! ;) he installed the new chart plotter/fish finder but it wasn't syncing to the other instruments so after a day of hard work he hooked it up and it ALL WORKS now!!!! Lol it's huge. Trust me. The chart plotter syncs to the auto pilot, the depth and the wind indicator! We can basically control the boat with our iPhones now....ha!! It's all Bluetooth n high tech now... :) can't wait to try this puppy out!!! Well it's time for a sundowner now....

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